
Monday, April 20, 2009

10 Weeks

This afternoon JJ and I went to our second appointment. We heard the strong heart beat and she said that everything is good. It took the nurse a little bit to find the baby's heart beat which scared me a little, but all is well! She said that it takes a little longer to find since I'm only 10 weeks along.
I have been feeling a little better. I'm still very tired and I get nauseous occasionally.
Our next appointment is in 4 weeks and we find out the sex of the baby on June 15th! It feels so far away, but I know it will be here before we know it.


  1. Dear Grandchild,

    I can't wait to meet you. I have been waiting for you for a long time. I am trying not to go "Crazy" as your father has requested LOL, but sometimes I get so excited at the thought of you, it is hard not to.

    You are going to be one lucky little person with such special parents and a whole bunch of family just waiting to meet you.

    Until we meet,
    Grand Ma Ma

  2. I am so excited for your growing family. You've entered the stretch of "no ultrasound" for a while, but that sweet little heartbeat can definitely make YOUR heart glad. Keep me updated on all things new in the preggo world, remember, I was there a few months ago! Love ya, Jenn!
